N8ster's Place

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Tank Update

Here is an updated photo of the tank. Everything has cleared up nicely. Most of the cyanobacteria is gone. I have tons (thousands) of amphipods--tiny little bugs that are too small to photograph. The coralline algae is turning nice and red and purple. I have a patch that was neon green a couple days ago, but it is starting to turn purple.

(These are all good things that indicate that things are progressing nicely)


At 2:07 PM, Blogger Jeremy B said...

It looks good. What's next?

At 6:44 AM, Blogger N8ster said...

What's next?

I just ordered another shipment of rock, so I will have almost twice as much rock in the tank. Then I have to wait about 6 weeks or so until the chemistry stabilizes, and all of the amonia gets out of the water--when stuff decay's the bacteria produce amonia which is bad. There are other bacteria which metabolize the amonia, but you have to wait for these bacteria to be established. Then I will start adding more stuff over time, but not fish. More crabs, snails, shrimp, maybe a couple corals. Then around March, I will probably start adding the first fish.

At 5:48 AM, Blogger Alice said...

It looks really good. I hadn't realized how much work went into this project. You have done a great job.


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